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How to Prevent Coffee Stains on Teeth

However much you love having beautiful white teeth, you may love coffee even more. Unfortunately, coffee is a common culprit when it comes to leaving stains. Read our blog post for the good news about a few things you can do while drinking coffee to help prevent discoloration so you don’t have to give up your favorite beverage.


Teeth Whitening Myths vs. Facts

On our latest blog post, we discuss common teeth whitening myths. Contact us today to learn more factual dental health information!




Affordable Dentist in Portland, OR

Trillium Dental is your affordable dentist in Portland. On our blog, learn about our payment options. Contact us to schedule an appointment!


Tooth Extraction Aftercare Tips

Trillium Dental offers gentle tooth extractions. Read our blog post for aftercare tips that will promote a smooth recovery!


How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Check out our blog post to learn about porcelain veneers, including how long they last & what they can fix.



Tips for Choosing a Dentist in Portland

Looking for a dentist in Rose City Park, Portland? Check out our blog post for tips on choosing the right dentist in Portland.


Trillium Dental