Affordable Dentures
in Rose City Park, OR
At Trillium Dental, we offer quality dentures Rose City Park residents can count on. No matter what your current situation is, we’ll work with you to make sure you end up with a smile that you love. Get in touch with our team today to find out if custom full or partial dentures might be just the solution you’ve been searching for!

What is an implant-supported denture?
Dentures usually rest directly on the gums and are secured with an adhesive and suction seal. Implant-supported dentures are attached to dental implants that have been embedded into the gums. Implant-supported dentures tend to be more stable than regular dentures which makes them particularly beneficial to use on the lower jaw. They can be used as long as the patient has enough bone in the jaw to support implants. Implant-supported dentures should be removed every evening and cleaned properly just like regular dentures.

Are dentures painful?
When you first begin the process of getting new dentures, it’s perfectly normal to feel some mild discomfort or soreness. The degree of discomfort depends on a few things, like how many teeth needed to be extracted beforehand and how recently they were extracted, and whether or not you have worn dentures before. Our team will do everything we can to ensure that your dentures fit comfortably in your mouth to the point that you don’t even think about them. If your dentures still don’t feel quite right or you’re still experiencing some soreness after a few weeks, we will be happy to take a look at them.

Do I need insurance to get dentures?
Trillium Dental is an insurance friendly practice and is in-network with many major insurance plans. We also accept ODS dental plans for patients using Medicare, and individual dental plans through MODA. Our team works hard to provide affordable dentures Rose City Park patients love. If you would like to learn more about our financial options, please reach out to our front office team and we will be happy to address any questions or concerns.
Financing Your DenturesWhat benefits do dentures offer?
Full dentures are used to replace an entire arch of teeth, either all of the top teeth, bottom teeth, or all of the teeth. Full dentures can completely makeover a patients’ smile. We make sure to design dentures in such a way that they don’t look too perfect or fake, but they are custom created to look natural and feel comfortable.
Partial dentures are used to replace a few teeth on an arch. They are designed to blend in with the rest of the patients’ smile, so it looks seamless. Partial dentures are far less invasive than dental implants, require fewer appointments, and can be finished in less time. As long as a patient has some natural teeth remaining, they can utilize custom partial dentures.
Implant-supported dentures combine the benefits of dental implants and full dentures. If a patient needs many of their teeth replaced, but they like the stability that implants provide, we often recommend implant-supported dentures. If the denture ever wears out, it’s a simple process to create a new denture that will attach to the patients’ implants.